Today, we will create a logo for free. Additionally, we will focus on your company’s business cards, websites, and social media, brochures, or flyers.
Similarly, to creating your business name, creating marketing materials brings a lot of joy and wakes up your creativity. After so many hard days, when creating a business plan, obtaining licenses and permits, you deserved a little bit of fun.
By the way, the step “how to create a logo for free” is one of 30 steps to be performed during your 30-day-business challenge.
To keep things simple, you should take care of your company brand identification. These can be done by having:
- A logo.
- A Slogan.
- Colors.
- Fonts.
First, let’s create a logo for free
Your Logo should represent the tone, theme, and nature of your business. Once created, it should appear on all your marketing materials, including business cards, websites, social media, flyers, brochures, T-shirts, or invoices.
How to create a logo?
Unless you are a professional designer and you already have a clear vision, below are useful tips to help you handle this dilemma.
Way 1. Use online tools.
There is no more straightforward way than jumping into one of the online services specializing in automated generated logos. Let’s try BrandCrowd.
- Go into
- Type your business name. In our example, we will type “Dog Academy”.

- You received more than 9500 designs.
- We choose the one at the top.

- Now you can adjust the Logo
- In the end, click “Download” to download it.

Created Logo vs Licenses
- Please keep in mind that:
- This Logo is a preposition
- You cannot remove the watermarks unless you pay to the Brandcrowd service.
Important notice. The created Logo is not ONLY for you. You need to purchase an exclusive license to receive the full right to use it. The Logo is removed from the shop and is for you. Of course, it is still not trademarked in terms of the law. By the way, we learned about applying for a trademark during our Week 1.
Please check other services that generate logos and support you on how to create a free logo. You want to focus, especially on pricing. Many of them have upsold strategy, and the further you go with the purchasing process, the more you are offered: business cards, brochures, business paper, t-shirts, gadgets, pencils, caps, and more. Do not get dizzy and remember that once you purchase a logo, you can do all the rest yourself much cheaper.
There is one more service worth to mention –

Just type the name of your business, and the TailorBrands gives you not only logo suggestion, but also it creates mockups of your marketing materials.

It stimulates your imagination like crazy!
Way 2. Use a professional on Fiverr or Upwork
If you are not satisfied with AI’s suggestion, you can always turn into a human and ask him or her to design a logo, especially for you. You can use contractors having their gigs on Fiverr.Com or
Let’s try with
- Go to the webpage

- Type “logo designer business” in the search bar.
- Click the “Search” button.

- You will get the list of suggested designers
- Play with a filter – Choose top sellers and pros. Because this will be your brand and business; therefore, you do not want to be sued in a couple of months for not authorized usage of logos and fonts.

Be aware of many cheap designers who might trick you using the same AI tools that you used in the previous chapter. Take special attention if someone offers delivery below two days or even hours. Creating a logo is about getting in touch with an entrepreneur and get to know his or her business.
Let’s continue with marketing materials
You have seen great possibilities gives. The real entrepreneur does not want to be limited with only one tool. Let’s check other tools you can use to design your marketing materials.
One of the most potent tools you would like to jump into is
- You want to visit the website.
- Type “Multiple Device Mockup” in the search bar.

- Click “Enter”
- Choose a tile, titled “Multiple Device Mockup of Monitor…”

- Upload pictures you want to display on different devices.

- Now repeat the process for a “Business Card.”
- Type “Business cards mockups.”
- Click “Enter”.

- Scroll down to “Mockup of a bunch of business cards.”

- Upload pictures you want to display on your business card
- There you go. Your business card visualization is ready.

Final remarks
- Please, follow the terms of service to get up-to-date pricing and conditions.
- As you see, the process of creating logos and other branding materials can be easy and enjoyable.
- Nowadays, you can do your own all the tasks reserved for professional designers. It is essential, especially at the beginning of your businessman or businesswoman career, when you are probably short of money.
- There will be a time when to grow, you would need to hire professionals, but creating a logo can be something you are capable of doing your own.
Few words about fonts and colors
I know it might sound trivial, but you, as a business owner, should have an idea of the brand color scheme and font. These elements should reflect the “personality” of the business. You feel it subconsciously that some fonts look professional, and some are funny. You are sure that colors have a huge impact on your brand perception.
How to find the best colors?
Below I will present to you color meanings according to researches.

- Red – acts as a stimulator.
- Orange – uplifting color that promotes a call to action and happiness.
- Yellow or Gold – symbolizes power, stimulates health, patience, and wisdom.
- Pink – represents love, romance, and partnership.
- Green – introduces growth and new beginnings, as well as healing and freshness.
- Blue-greens – represents youth, new beginnings and inspires confidence.
- Deeper Blues – infuses wisdom and introspection.
- Purple – is about spirituality, adventure, and prosperity.
- Black – contemplative color that encourages reflection and mystery.
- White – cultivates clarity, precision, and communication.
- Gray – invites helpfulness and represents a harmonious union of black and white.
- Brown – offers stability and security.
How to match the colors?
In terms of matching the colors, you can use the old designers’ trick. So-called a “Circle of colors”.

The harmony is represented between opposed colors. The idea is presented in the below picture. You can also use an online calculator for a circle of colors.

One of the most user-friendly is delivered by the page.
Putting all the things together
The best lesson is based on examples. Let’s take a look at the SmartBeasts Limited Logo.

- Logo – the main component is an “Elephant”. Elephants have a positive symbolic meaning all over the world. They are considered a symbol of good luck, power, success, wisdom, and experience. Elephants are highly social animals, so they are also a symbol of loyalty, companionship, and unity.
- Colors:
- “grass greenery” – represents growth and new beginnings, as well as healing and freshness. It is exactly what our business is doing. We are helping new entrepreneurs to grow and stay fresh-minded.
- pink slogan – this is about symbolizing the partnership.
- Grey Title “Smart Beasts Ltd.” – invites helpfulness.
- Slogan – “One You. Again” – we assume that in some part of your life you have been told what to do, what school to choose, what job to find. Maybe you stopped what you liked because new circumstances occurred. By introducing our classes, we want you to become again yourself, find your deepest desire to achieve financial freedom and life satisfaction.
I believe your Logo will be awesome, and one day I will hear from you!
P.S. I know that most of us, as a first step, read subheadings, then scroll to the bottom looking for a summary. The last step is reading the article itself. If you belong to one of these readers, please find below a summary of what this article is about.
- Firstly, you have learned why your Logo is important
- Secondly, you understand that your business needs to be promoted on every possible occasion. You can do it by having a logo and marketing materials ready to share. The business card can be the cheapest, yet an effective way of promoting your business.
- Next, you have learned about online tools that can help you not only design your Logo but also will support you in creating mockups of your marketing materials.
- Finally, you understand that harmony between your Logo, colors, fonts, and slogan cannot be accidental if you want to achieve coherent communication.